donderdag 17 november 2016

Dear Matt Harrigan, I apologize.

Dear Matt,

We never met and while I know of you, I don't personally know you.

Earlier this week some "friends" of you made the horrible decision to screenshot a few Facebook posts of yours and take them out of the space you trusted, into the public domain. The aftermath was ugly, not unexpected, but -in the end- undeserved.Yes, I thought it was funny. I may have thought it was sad as well. I was one of those guys that tweeted about it, and passed judgement.

What I didn't think about was the fundamental point that people you trusted took content you shared privately and plastered it across the internet. That action alone hurt you personally, your family, your colleagues, friends, and investors. It is, without doubt, one of the lowest things a "friend" can do.

It is easy for me to sit here, see something funny and amplify for whatever reason I may have at that moment. It is also easy to recognize that I maybe should not have been that trigger happy but say nothing. But I will not do that.

While I do not know you, I have heard very good things about you. I am sure that you will land on your feet with the support of the real friends you have and your family.

I sincerely apologize and I wish you the best.


Wim Remes

dinsdag 27 september 2016

Consulting for charity

It's been a while since I posted here and while I have some blog posts in the works, I wanted to make this a quick one (Q4 is upon us ... we got work to do too!).

When I got to my gym today, there was a lady that asked me if I wanted to join the 24hr hour walk/run for a cancer charity. Imagining that the nightly hours would be the hardest to fill I opted to walk between 1am and 5am CET in the morning of Sunday October 9th.

Now, it'd be one thing to ask you to sponsor me for this walk. I want to make it more fun though, so let's do something different. Here's the deal :

[1] You send me one information security related question + your phone number + proof of payment for a donation no less than $50 to the charity of your choice to wremes [at] gmail [dot] com.

[2] When I start walking, I will give you a call (remember, it's 1am til 5am CET) and we'll discuss the topic you handed me (security related!!!) for no more than 10 minutes. If I can't reach you I will try a second time but not a third.

It will keep me busy and together we can spread the karma!

Are you in?